Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fairfield Downtown Association's Business Directory

Check Out Fairfield Downtown Association's Business Directory.

Our town's important Fairfield Downtown Association Business Directory is in full color.  FixFairfield.Org is looking forward to getting updates to the Fairfield Downtown Association website's links to its members.  Let's promote our downtown by making links to the new directory, and letting friends know about the site.

Get free copies of the Fairfield Downtown Association Business Directory at:
Fairfield Downtown Association at 1000 Texas St. Suite D 707-422-0103
Solano Business Incubator, on the second floor of California Business Center, 1652 West Texas Street, Fairfield, California 94533 (diagonally across the modern indoor - outdoor pool in Allan Witt Park).
• Fairfield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce, Fairfield City Hall, and local retail stores in downtown Fairfield, California.

Also check out the upcoming Solano Business Directory from Solano Business Incubator.
FixFairfield.Org affiliated with Solano Business Incubator and California Business Center has been a member for many years. We look forward to working with Margaret Manzo the new head of Fairfield Downtown Association. Margaret Manzo reports to Curt Johnston. Johnston is working hard to help Fairfield businesses grow and create more new Fairfield job openings.

How City Mayors Outside Fairfield Help Small Business

Here Is How City Mayors Outside Fairfield Help Small Businesses.

While they may have larger budgets than any Solano County mayors from cities like Vallejo, Fairfield or Vacaville, it's interesting to see how the mayors help small businesses.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Better To Buy Or Rent Your Fairfield Home? In Today's Market Consider These Options.

Is it better to buy or rent your Fairfield home?  Today's Fairfield real estate market is different from earlier years. Karen Rodgers, a local Fairfield real estate agent believes today's low interest rates, and low Solano County real estate prices won't continue much longer.

Here's another perspective:

Free Solano County prescription discount card

There's a free prescription discount card saving around 20%.  Everyone is eligible to use the Solano County prescription discount card. 

This is especially useful for those who currently lack health insurance.  Tell your friends who don't have health insurance about the Solano County prescription discount card.

Annabelle's Boutique Moving to Downtown Fairfield

Annabelle's Boutique sells brightly colored handbags and contemporary jewelry. Sales benefit the Solano County nonprofit organization Project Turnaround, which supports Fairfield families in need.

Annabelle's Boutique will relocate from West Texas Street to Downtown Fairfield.  Annabelle's Boutique also plans to provide a Fairfield community gathering space for classes and other Fairfield business people. Fairfield women entrepreneurs will also have a chance to take part.

Cops Close Fairfield Pot Shop Operating Behind Papered Windows

Cops Close Fairfield Pot Shop Operating Behind Papered Windows

Fairfield police officers locates the Fairfield pot store.  The Fairfield pot shop’s owner, appears to be Michelle Nix from Georgetown, California - north of Placerville.

Fairfield police would not elaborate about where the Fairfield marijuana store's commercial space was located.  The illegal pot shop was behind an unmarked Fairfield storefront.  Further suspicion came from the fact that there were bars on the Fairfield pot shop doors and windows, plus paper covering the windows, Fairfield cops said.

Check upcoming details in central Solano County's newspaper. Learn more about the Fairfield pot shop at Daily Republic (password required).  Because of the lack of legal Solano County pot shops, Solano marijuana buyers often shop in Berkeley medical marijuana pot shops, or go further south for Oakland pot shops.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Save Fairfield Garbage Fees Thru Recycle Program

Many Fairfield Citizens Don't Know They Save Garbage Fees Thru Signing Up With Solano Garbage's Recycle Program.

For example Solano Business Incubator researched that 90% of their waste was paper and cardboard. So they reduced Solano Garbage pickups for regular garbage.  They are only charged for regular garbage.  This saved them lots of money, which is intern lets Solano Business Incubator offer very low prices for small Solano businesses headquartered in the professional office building complex.

Solano Business Incubator discussed the matter at the Fairfield City Council session. Solano Garbage's contact with Fairfield is up for renewal in Nov 2012.

If you have a DR password, get more details at

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cordelia Angry At Proposed Apartment Construction In Their Neighborhood

New Storm Brewing About Proposed Cordelia Apartment Construction.

Nearly 40 disgruntled Cordelia residents gathered last week at the Cordelia library to discuss the details of a proposed Cordelia development that would put a whopping 324 Cordelia apartment units along Red Top Road.

For the development proposal to get the go-ahead, the Fairfield City Council would need to vote to amend Fairfield's General Plan and change current Fairfield zoning.

As Fairfield City Hall promised to upgrade the main gateway into Fairfield via West Texas Street, Fairfield City Council is running out of locations for placing new apartment buildings.

More at the Fairfield newspaper, and the Save Cordelia site

Details on the Fairfield public hearing

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fairfield Should Rank High For IQ. Santa Rosa Ranks 39th. Vallejo Places 127th

Fairfield Should Rank High For IQ. Santa Rosa Ranks 39th. Vallejo Places 127th.

Fairfield has one of the highest number of inventions per person in the country. It seems this fact was not properly used in the IQ index.

Let's hope Fairfield will be smart enough to fix its problems.

More on brain indexing local cities:

Fairfield Opens Modern Pool, While Benicia May Close Their Pool

Benicia is looking at the possibility of having to close their Olympic sized pool. This comes soon after Fairfield City Council opened the super modern indoor-outdoor pool in Allan Witt Park on West Texas Street.  The new Allan Witt Park pool is on the main gateway to the modern Solano County office building.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Downtown Fairfield Christmas Event - Dec 3rd

The Downtown Fairfield Christmas Event - Dec 3rd

Check-in 6:00 - 6:30 pm  Jefferson & Texas Street
Pick up your candle, program, and shopping guide

6:30 - 7:00 pm Candlelight Parade & Caroling
Jefferson & Texas Street

7:00 - 8:00 pm Children's Holiday Review
Fairfield Center for Creative Arts, 1035 Texas Street

8:00 - 9:30 pm Stocking Stuffer Scavenger Hunt
Distributed in front of Center for Creative Arts

8:00 - 9:00 pm Sullivan Middle School Band & Choir
Madison & Texas Street

8:00 - 9:00 pm Scarlett Brigade Pipe Band
Jefferson & Texas Street

7:30 - 9:30 pm Photos with Santa ($2.00 each)
Canepa Deli Courtyard, 721 Texas Street

Train Rides (Free)
Board at intersections along Texas Street

Horse Drawn Wagon Rides ($1.00 per person)
Board at Jackson & Texas Street

Questions Call 707-422-0103

Mayor Harry Price Meeting FixFairfield.Org

Mayor Harry Price will be soon meeting with FixFairfield.Org to discuss what can be done to fix Fairfield within limited budgets.  A date has yet to be set.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fairfield Pepperbellys Getting New Management

Pepperbellys took stronger control over the great Fairfield comedy club.

Pepperbellys' founder Wayne Mayhew smartly evicted the former Pepperbellys operators, and quickly released the club to Vacaville entrepreneurs.  FixFairfield.Org looks forward to the new changes. 

More details the Fairfield newspaper Daily Republic.

Pepperbellys is considered to be Solano County's best comedy club, attracting comedy lovers from Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun, Vacaville, Vallejo, Davis, Sacramento County, Napa County, Contra Costa County, Etc.

Can Fairfield Improve It's Image? What Score Does Fairfield City Get For How Well It Brands Itself?

Branding Fairfield.

Can Fairfield Improve It's Image? What Score Does Fairfield City Get For How Well It Brands Itself?  This article says cities like Fairfield, California should make cosmetic changes and get lots of value from this.  The suggestions also apply to California's Solano County's Benicia, Dixon, Rio Vista, Suisun, Vacaville, and Vallejo.

How about emphasizing the word "Fair" when promoting Fairfield?  "Fair" has a nice comforting ring to it.  Hence the popular "Fairfield Inn".  But then Fairfield citizens might complain the city isn't fair enough in how things are done.  So scratch the possibility of ever seeing a fair push for "Fair" in any branding right?

Economic Development In A Texas City. Someone Fairfield Might Learn From?

Is The Economic Development In A Texas City, Something Fairfield Might Learn From?

Study Questions If Fairfield Should Continue Promoting Lower Wage Factory Jobs

Is Fairfield's Sugar Cluster Economic Development What Fairfield Needs?

Study Puts In A Question As To Whether Fairfield Should Continue Promoting Lower Wage Factory Jobs.  Fairfield City Hall prides itself with having its economic development focus on bringing in large industrial type companies.  They mention the sugar related industries as being a cluster to develop.  However do clusters really work?  Maybe they do, maybe they don't.

One thing is clear, Fairfield could focus more on creating higher paying jobs.  But instead the city might even fight private efforts to bring higher paying jobs as explained in's blog.

Higher paying Fairfield jobs means less crime.

“…the author looked at the financial advantages, and costs, that clusters provided for firms throughout the life cycle of two innovative industries — semiconductors and pharmaceuticals. He examined 31 years of data on 194 publicly traded companies, which enabled him to see how clustered and nonclustered firms performed at various points in an industry’s life cycle. Surprisingly, the author found no clear evidence that clusters enhance a firm’s financial performance.”

Think about Fairfield's Sugar Cluster Economic Development
while reading this article 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Free Workshop For Fairfield Small Businesses. Picking Good Trademarks.

Discover how small Fairfield businesses select and get trademarks for under $400.

Interesting tips on selecting good trademarks for your Fairfield business.  How to get free legal help from the US Patent and Trademark Office.

45 minute workshop to be held by Steven Kays, CEO of Solano Business Incubator, at California Business Center on Dec 1st.  Call 707 434-8000.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Extended Fairfield Unemployment Benefits Ending?

Are Extended Fairfield Unemployment Benefits Ending? Unless the US congress further extends the 99 week unemployment benefits package, many unemployed Fairfield citizens will be suffering.

Luckily the local unemployment rate is improving.

More Solano County business news, jobs and income generation ideas at Solano Business News - The premier Solano County business news source for small businesses in Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun, Vacaville, Vallejo and next door Napa County.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant opens in #Solano #County in #Fairfield

Wing restaurant opens in mall.  More on Buffalo Wild Wings and owner Hardy Sam

Free Fairfield Workshop To Beautify Your House. Learn How To Put In Natural Hedges With Native Plants!

Free Fairfield Workshop To Beautify Your Fairfield House. Learn How To Put In Natural Hedges With Native Plants In Your Yard !

Contact Katherine Holmes at or 678-1655 ext. 118.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rodriguez High Teacher Implicated In Child Molestation

Here comes another arrest of staff from Fairfield's high schools.

Felica Killings aged 27 was arrested Tue Nov 9th for multiple counts of child molestation. Felicia Killings is a high school teacher at Fairfield's Rodriguez High School.

Details at

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Books To Help Fix Fairfield

There are many books that will teach us not to make the same mistakes other American cities and towns made in their redevelopment programs. Suisun City knew what they were doing because they read the right books.

There are many books available through Fairfield's Barnes & Noble. Or they can be ordered through them online. For example, "
A City Transformed: Redevelopment, Race, and Suburbanization in Lancaster, Pennsylvania 1940-1980", by David Schuyler. Used copies can be had for $15 and up online.

More Solano County business news, jobs and income generation ideas at Solano Business News - The premier Solano County business news source for small businesses in Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun, Vacaville, Vallejo and next door Napa County.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Where Fairfield Gets Its Water

Details On Where Fairfield Gets Its Water.

Fairfield water source:

It's not too specific however. Would be nice to see something showing what percent of our water comes from where.

Many of the big food companies like Budweiser like Fairfield water quality which is why they opened shop here.

Athenian Grill Helping Rodriguez and Armijo

Motivating Fairfield - Suisun High School Kids - Athenian Grill Helping Rodriguez and Armijo. Donations are made to Rodriguez and Armijo high school students who are applying themselves in school.

It's nice to see one of the area's nice restaurants being pro-active. 

Full article in the Fairfield-Suisun Chamber newsletter sent to members.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fairfield Gateway Site Seeks Volunteers

Fairfield Gateway seeks Fairfield volunteers to update its website. It's your chance to help fix Fairfield and make a difference.  It's better to join in than complain about how Fairfield needs to improve its small business climate. Call them at 707 427-6400.

How Will Fairfield's History Be Written?

Today and Tomorrow - Fairfield History Books Might Write

Fairfield History Up To 2000:
• Fairfield’s Indians settled in Fairfield’s Rockville and Green Valley areas.
• In 1810 Gabriel Moraga was sent by the Spanish to take over local Suisun Indians. Sadly the Suisun Indians retreated.
• The Suisun Chief Solano in 1842 sold the land. It changed hands and ended up with A.A. Ritchie and Captain Waterman for only $50,000.
• Waterman named the area Fairfield in 1856, after his home in Connecticut. Fairfield became an incorporated city in 1903.

Fairfield History After 2000:

• City spent its redevelopment funds building new projects while forgetting its promise to fix central Fairfield.
• Central Fairfield declined.
• Fairfield voters stood up and demanded the entire Fairfield City Council unite in fixing Fairfield as they were promised decades earlier. Getting only two of the five city council votes wasn't enough.
• Let's hope the Fairfield history continues with... Central Fairfield is redeveloped as promised.  It's a win-win for everyone.

Loyalty Is Important In Fairfield City Promotion To Fairfield Public Works Chief

Fairfield's Public Works assistant director now leads the department. Fairfield City Hall's article

With the limited budget let's hope the new Fairfield Public Works chief will practice cost effective business planning.  Good luck!

Fairfield Jelly Belly Tour Video

Enjoy the video

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fairfield Riffraff Ordinance - City Wants To Weaken It?

Will converting Fairfield motels increase or decrease Fairfield crime?  Fairfield city hall wants to convert motels from long-term stay to short term stay.  Up to now, Fairfield motel guests can stay only up to 30 days.

This is the “Fairfield Riff Raff Ordinance”. Some at Fairfield Police might unofficially say the 30 day maximum stay is another way to keep out Fairfield riff raff.

Instead of focusing on the city’s important promise to improve blighted parts of Fairfield, it’s again focusing on ways to worsen Fairfield’s blighted neighborhoods.

In 2008 Fairfield stopped allowing new motel construction (others call it affordable hotels). John Mraz, and Cat Moy, and the others on the Fairfield City Council wisely believe Fairfield motels are an important focus for cutting Fairfield crime rates.

Solano needs to give affordable housing.  And Fairfield continues to take up the problem because the other Solano cities are informally saying they want Fairfield to take on the responsibility.

More details at the Fairfield newspaper Check out the other articles on how the city is keeping or not keeping its promise to Fix Fairfield.

What are your views?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Are The Best Employers City Should Target? 1st Question: What Are Fairfield Buyer Tastes?

What type of new business will Fairfield support?

What are common Fairfield buying tastes? How can you best predict what Fairfield services or customers Fairfield customers are most likely to buy? The subject has dozens of main components. Are you open minded into looking at what might constitute your Fairfield customer buying preferences?

Naturally look at common factors within your industry nationwide.  Then consider the Fairfield regional differences. What sells well elsewhere in California may not sell as well here. Fairfield customer preferences will be shown to have at least moderate deviations from the norm. Step outside the Fairfield mindset and look at Solano customer buying preferences objectively.

Factors To Consider:
• Solano election voter traits: More below
• Worldliness: Travis Air Force gives people lots of travel experience.  Plus those who do travel share their experiences with those who are less fortunate to have traveled as much.
• Proximity to Inner Bay Area: Napa, Berkeley, San Francisco and Silicon Valley. These regions often pride in their worldliness.  Their greater level of liberal intellectuals exposes those in Fairfield to alternative ideas. At least your Fairfield clients might be more accepting of liberal modalities, even if such are not fully embraced.
• Proximity to Central Valley: Their citizens are more conservative, and will influence Fairfield tastes and buying decisions accordingly.
• Bedroom Community: This facet pushes people usually to the more conservative. 

Comments Innovation Institute Received About Solano Buying Tastes Versus The Inner Bay Area (not necessarily our opinion - so don't take this personally). Most other Solano business information sources may not have the guts to reprint the following:
• Spends less. Expects more value for the money.
• More prone to celebrate bank holidays, so are more able to shop on those days.
• Spend much of their purchasing dollars outside Fairfield and even Solano County. Suisun worked hard to reverse this imbalance and mayor Pete Sanchez, along with city council members Mike Hudson, and Jane Day are continuing to attract businesses while Fairfield might focus on other types of businesses (to be discussed in future articles).
• Fairfield Restaurants: Less healthy food oriented, yet this is changing. Exotic ethnic foods are becoming more popular - look at the new Afghanistan restaurant's popularity in Fairfield's Gateway mall, but the health oriented Chipotle's (started by McDonalds) is much more crowded.
• Yoga is growing in popularity but remains well behind the Inner Bay Area. A new center just opened in central Fairfield 707 427-6400.
• Book purchasing: Fewer people book aficionados touring used book stores. However thrift stores remain popular for the thrifty Fairfield consumer.
• More willing to drive a few extra miles.

How Does Solano Compare With California State As A Whole? In many ways Solano voters picked election candidates like other California voters. So far liberal Jerry Brown beat Meg Whitman 53.7% to 41.3% statewide. Jerry Brown beat Meg Whitman 58% to 36.8% in Solano County.

Detailed analysis on Solano buying tastes can be created by Innovation Institute in Fairfield at 707 428-5000.

How Solano Voters Stack Against Voters Statewide

In many ways Solano voters picked election candidates like other California voters.

So far Jerry Brown beat Meg Whitman 53.7 percent to 41.3 percent statewide.

Jerry Brown beat Meg Whitman 58% to 36.8% in Solano County, making Solano as usual more liberal than at least the central valley voters.

Details at the Fairfield – Suisun newspaper

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Matt Garcia Center Gets Another $5000 Donation

 Business Contractors Helping Local Youth Center

Northern California Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors gave $5,000 to the Matt Garcia Youth Center. It’s past president Gary Walker said it raises money through its Solano golf tournaments. Gary Walker was the youngest Fairfield City Council member until Matt Garcia was elected in 2007.

Fairfield Polling Places

Fairfield Polling Places: 

Find your Solano election polling booth locations at Cast ballots by Tue, Nov 2 8PM. 

Vote for the most business friendly Solano election candidates!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Will Fairfield Art Explosion Stay?

There's an interested construction company buyer wishing to purchase an important building in downtown Fairfield. The three-year old Art Explosion - an art gallery and studio space there was using it until a buyer was found.

The buyer wants to tap into all the traffic coming through West Texas Street leading into the new Solano County capital building.  The key concern is will Fairfield city keep it's promise to redevelop the city's main gateway in 2000?

Where did the money for fixing West Texas Street go before the recession hit? More people will spend money in downtown Fairfield, creating more job openings when the city follows through its promise to quickly redevelop the street. Construction was to start in 2000 or so. It's a win-win for everyone.

Details at

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Faifield Polling Booths

Here are your Fairfield election polling booth locations in Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville and Vallejo Cast ballots for your city, Solano, state and national candidates Tue, Nov 2, 2010 by 8PM.

It’s now too late to put your candidate ballots in the mail. Bring them to the polling booths.

Fairfield candidate election results will be updated periodically. Election results might be posted starting an hour after polls close Tue, Nov 2nd at  

Think wisely before you check the box next to the candidate of your choice!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mariko Yamada - state assembly election

Consider Voting For Mariko Yamada

State Assembly District 8: Mariko Yamada. As state assembly member Mariko Yamada has shown herself to be very pro Solano business.

In Fairfield you may enjoy other views. Decide for yourself who you believe is best Tue Nov 2nd.

Check Out Fix Fairfield Gateway Website. Show You Care!

An important part for fixing Fairfield, capital of Solano County. Visit Fairfield Gateway site. Show you care and book mark this blog and the site.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No $ For Schools? Can Fairfield Learn From Others Without Raising Taxes Again?

Is Fairfield innovative enough to try a new way to raise funds for the Fairfield Suisun Unified School District?

There's a new way to raise money for Fairfield & Suisun public schools without raising taxes.  It can even benefit our Fairfield and Suisun students. They will get a broader international perspective on life, and chance to mix with students from families wealthy enough to send children to US schools from abroad.

The NY Times article discusses what Suisun and Fairfield public schools might learn from other schools that are charging tuition to rich foreigners looking to study in the US. Raising taxes need not be required here.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Guess Where Do Most Growing Companies Locate In Solano County?

Did you know the Solano Business Incubator has more Solano small businesses, and Solano start up companies than any other Solano office building? Check out the bio on the Solano Business Incubator CEO.

Solano Business Incubator offers everything from free professional Solano conference rooms for non-profits, to Solano Virtual Offices TM from $75 a month. Other furnished Fairfield office suite rentals start at $375 month including everything A thru W (Air conditioning and coffee, to janitorial and receptionist, to telephone installation to Wireless) and more..!
Follow Steven Kays at:

More employers means more new Solano job openings.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Does Fairfield Need Fixing? Join Us On Facebook.

Does Fairfield Need Fixing? The recent gun scene at Armijo High School is an example.

Share your passion for Fixing Fairfield. Join our FaceBook Group!/group.php?gid=150504641635676

Solano Guides

Solano Business Promo Guides. New & Older Solano Links

Best of Solano - Solano Companies Serving Consumers:

Solano Home Guide - Buying, Etc:

Solano Medical Directory:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cleaning Up Fairfield Requires Good Owner Or Property Manager

Key to cleaning up Fairfield is having good property managers. A good property owner, or Solano property management firm can often weed out Fairfield criminal types looking to rent space. The savvy owner or property manager knows the game. LLW Properties has been well commended by the Fairfield City Council for this fact.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fairfield City Council Says Pot Proposition 19 Like Cheech & Chong

Fairfield City Council were 100% against Proposition 19.

Tonight the Fairfield City Councilwoman Cat Moy Compaired Pot Proposition 19 To Cheech & Chong.

"It looks like Cheech and Chong from the 1970s movie 'Up in Smoke' wrote this legislation,' Fairfield Councilwoman Catherine Moy claimed.

Fairfield Tourism Association Website

The Fairfield Tourism Association states their interactive website is a success. Funding comes from a special small Fairfield hotel, Fairfield motel occupancy tax.

Fairfield Tourism Association is on Twitter, Facebook and their website is

Beth Javens, the exec director for the Fairfield Tourism Association said, “We are committed to engaging people to visit Fairfield and the Suisun Valley through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and expanding accessibility to our Web site".

Fairfield Tourism Association (707) 761-9668

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Merging Fairfield & Suisun To Save City Money?

Merging Fairfield & Suisun

Interesting article on cities saving money by merging two or more cities. We don't expect it will happen with Fairfield & Suisun, yet it's an interesting read.

Flying overhead, Fairfield and Suisun are surrounded by the green belt and look like one city.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Good & Bad Fairfield Property Owners

Property owners that can't keep their rentals in good condition, should be hiring a Fairfield property management company. If one doesn't know where to turn or is too busy to handle their Solano rentals, they should hire a new property manager in Solano.

Fairfield Small Business Resources - Free Or Affordable

Get free or cost effective help for your Fairfield small business from:

• SBDC (Solano Business Development Center)
• SED Corp (Solano Economic Development Corp)
• Fairfield - Suisun Chamber
• Solano Business Incubator
• California Business Center
• Innovation Institute, LLC

Just google their organizaton name and add "Solano".

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fairfield Walmart Hurts & Helps In Fixing Fairfield

Suisun Gains 1 Walmart. Fairfield loses 1 Walmart and Gains A Bigger Walmart.

Former Fairfield City Council candidate Steven Kays explained that studies show Walmart puts many businesses out of business a few years after they move in - but Steven Kays explained this isn't always the case. More Fairfield business are expected to fail. Walmart might be the last nail in the coffin for many mom and pop Fairfield retailers.

New Suisun Walmart just got an important approval. Walmart will now mitigate for some watercourse before Suisun Walmart can start construction. Expect a 182,000-square-foot Suisun Walmart Supercenter by Walters Road Highway 12 in Suisun.

Suisun needs more tax revenue. The Fairfield Walmart by highway 12 and I-80 will close and move to Fairfield's North Texas Street.

The good news is the vacant shopping center on North Texas will come back to more life.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Controlled Fires - Fairfield & Suisun

Today, Oct 6th was the last day of control burns done in sections for sections of Fairfield's marshlands in Fairfield. This darkened our skies above Fairfield and Suisun City the past few days.

Suisun City Council Election Predictions

While Mike Segala raised more money, I bet mayor Peter Sanchez is re-elected, along with Suisun City Council woman Jane Day.

The 2nd city council seat will either be kept by Michael Hudson, or won by Jim Spering's son Don Spering - both are business people.

Economic development relies on people with business backgrounds. Mayor Pete Sanchez has a business degree, and Jane Day is a local business person. Mike Segala is an open-minded entrepreneur. I predict Suisun City will continue to improve in our less than perfect economy. All these candidates are friendly and really care for Suisun. Vote for your favorite Tue Nov 2nd.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Predict 2010 Suisun City Elections

I bet both mayor Peter Sanchez, and Councilwoman Jane Day will get re-elected. Mariko Yamada will win her re-election for state assembly, and John Garamendi will also win. Four years ago, I correctly predicted they would win. This time I'm not predicting who will win the other of the two Suisun Council seats coming up (I know who i want to win the seat). Absentee ballots were just mailed out.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Free Help If Your Friend Can't Afford Insurance - No Gimmicks

If friends can't afford any health insurance, get free card. Zero gimmicks. Solano County offers free card to save on drug costs. The county negotiated special pricing for those using this card. Get the card from the county, or email myself (Steven Kays) for the card at It may take a while. This is only for people who can't afford any insurance. Most people don't yet know about this. Most or all big Solano pharmacies accept the card. Tell your friends..!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How know if it's a bad air day?

When the winds slow down in the summer, the Fairfield temperatures often rise. This combination often creates bad air days. So do less outdoors when you have the combination of warmer than usual summer weather, and little wind. The dynamics for cooler months is somewhat different - check back for details when it cools down here at Save yourself from Fairfield bad day airs.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Free Fairfield Youth Group Help

Fix Fairfield helps groups like Solano's Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Solano's Peace Jam. They enjoy free conference room facilities at Fairfield's California Business Center. Free consulting, and youth development library for new and growing youth groups. Call Steven Kays or Brandi Rodgers 707 434-8000.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Surprise Impacts From New I-80 Interchange?

What is really going to happen with the proposed changes to the highway I-80 interchanges with highways 680 and 12? Is trouble brewing ahead?

Have You Thought Of These Important Questions?

• Must central Fairfield become less accessible via the new highway ramp locations?
• Increasing driving time to downtown Fairfield from the highway ramps, means fewer diners and shoppers coming downtown. What effect will the new ramps have on reducing downtown spending?
• Revitalizing central Fairfield creates more jobs. The improved economic vitality of central Fairfield will increases the tax revenue. Without this expected tax revenue, will we have to further raise taxes?
• When will the expensive studies and great designs for revitalizing West Texas Street be openly shown in public meetings? Almost everyone believed it would revitalize Fairfield.
• Where did the monies set aside for revitalizing West Texas Street disappear to before the recession?
• The city promised to start revitalizing West Texas Street by 2000. Will the city set a new deadline? Will the businesses asked to invest in central Fairfield as part of the stalled program be compensated for the city not keeping its promise to fix the area?
• Will downtown businesses continue paying the extra downtown business tax, after the highways take away part of their customer base?

Can we be candid? Might this be resolved with team spirit? The majority agrees the I-80 interchange needs help. So let’s compromise; and stop backstabbing. We look forward to working together..!

Old Highway 80 Hurt Downtown Fairfield

I-80 took business away from our downtown. Back in the old days, traffic that went on highway 80, went through downtown Fairfield. Since 80 opened, the city has had to invest money into downtown to compensate for the loss of business. Highway 12’s improvements also effected downtown Fairfield in the later years. Downtown is the backbone for our community – let’s think smart growth and revitalize downtown Fairfield. Walnut Creek did a great revitalizing job.

Adding Traffic Lights Hurts Downtown

More traffic lights takes longer to get to downtown. Though Steven Kays argued against it, the city went ahead and put in a new traffic light at Winery Square and the new apartment complex. Steven Kays has asked the city about the second traffic added light when they change the off ramp from I-80 to downtown.

Fairfield Wine Capital

There is little difference in the temperatures between Napa, Sonoma and Solano. Fairfield could be made into a great household name for wines. That will boost local employment and house prices! We need to boost Fairfield's image.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Toler Wants Recall Election

Toler is now wanting to put together a recall election against Solano sheriff Stanton. Toler accuses the county of being too tough on him. Meanwhile, our protective services have more important things to worry about than these law suits. Toler is negatively effecting public perception of our protective services. The sheriffs and police put their lives on the line to protect us. Toler might try to forgive any rudeness he experienced dealing with the county, and move on with his life. Nobody is perfect. And that much anger isn't healthy.

Highway death rates

Based on recent highway death figures published at, you have a 1% chance of getting killed if you put on 100,000 miles on ten different cars. Though it's gotten better, the death rate is still much too high. We must crack down more on Fairfield drunk drivers!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Camera Systems Issue Traffic Fines

The new bill at Sacramento would send more traffic ticket revenues to the state. Traffic fines are a great way to collect money. Some cities put up cameras all over the place. They let the computers send out bills for around $450 if you don't make a complete stop when taking a right hand turn at a red light. Fairfield, and the rest of our Solano County have fewer such cameras than many other California cities.

Wasting Tourism Promotion Budget

There are more economic ways to promote Fairfield as a tourist destination. We have interesting vineyards, Jelly Belly's and more. As I have been saying for many years, it is more cost effective to promote Solano County as a whole, than promote individual cities. With administration costs, volume discounts, and so forth, all the seven Solano County cities should unite their small tourism promotion budgets. We need more business people on the Fairfield City Council.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pot Legalization – Prop 19

Suisun City Council just decided to put the breaks on loosening up on marijuana laws. Fairfield and the rest of Solano have been tough on pot too.

Like it or not, I believe pot will eventually be legalized. The high tax revenue they talk about it generating seems unrealistic. Pot legalization will effect Solano County in more ways than one. People will grow the weed in their yard and avoid the high taxes. Kids will get their hands on it more easily too.

Barnes & Noble Staying Open?

With Amazon being so strong, I was surprised that Barnes & Noble even opened their bookstore in the first place. It's a great store that I hope stays. However business experts knew online purchases of books would continue to increase their market share long ago. By the way, they're open until at least 10PM Mon-Sat. Might close earlier on Sunday?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Garamendi's Fairfield Economy & Jobs Report

Fairfield's congressman John Garamendi just sent mailers to registered voters. (Fairfield is part of his district 10).

Some $1.5 Million was obtained to keep five Fairfield police officers, plus $10.5 Million for Travis, and $9 Million for the Fairfield-Suisun school district.

Garamendi's office is now in central Fairfield at 711 Jefferson St, #201, Fairfield, CA 94533. Is his office getting the most cost effective office suite in Fairfield, after calculating in overhead costs?

Let's hope Fairfield visitors will be more polite when Garamendi gives his next public appearance. Then we can discuss things rationally with less uncontrolled emotion.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fairfield Youth Need Mentor Volunteers

• Fairfield's recreation services lack money. It seeks volunteers to work with the youth, seniors, etc.
• Also Peace Jam, plus Big Brothers Big Sisters need mentors for just an hour a week.
• Please contact FixFairfield.Org at 707 434-8000 for details.
• Many of today's children didn't have the fortune of getting great parents. Instead of complaining about today's crime problem, let's open our hearts and share our wisdom with Solano's youth..!

New North Texas Street Ramp & Interchange

Visitors to Fairfield businesses often take the wrong I-80 exit. My studies show visitors confuse West Texas Street exit with North Texas Street exit signs.

This makes people late for their appointment, and some just give up looking, don't spend money in Fairfield and drive back home. Solution is to tell visitors to take "North" or "West Texas", and specifically tell them not to take the other exit - otherwise many will take the first Texas Street exit they see. Everyone doesn’t use GPS. Actually GPS sometimes tells visitors to reach West Texas Street via the North Texas Street ramp.

Good driving directions creates more business, jobs and a bigger tax base without having to raise taxes.

Constructive Comments For Fixing Fairfield Wanted

We welcome your constructive comments to help Fix Fairfield. Remember to consider the costs for fixing things. Most voters don't want to raise taxes. Smart planning makes good sense. Kindly post your suggestions for fixing our Fairfield