Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fairfield Voters Want Better Fairfield Restaurants

What was one of the biggest complaints Steven Kays kept hearing from Fairfield voters when I ran and almost won the Fairfield City Council seat? Voters were driving to Napa and Vacaville due to the lack of good Fairfield restaurants.

But Fairfield politics often is not nice and tidy to fit into a single focus oriented commentary. We all need to frequent the relatively better quality restaurants Fairfield has (i can't put in a plug for them here). This will send a message to Fairfield restaurateurs. 

This doesn't have to stop one from taking the fast drive to central Napa which is about 25 minutes from central Fairfield.  Why drive to Vacaville when Napa has a much more developed restaurant culture? Dollar for dollar you get more in Napa's affordable restaurants than in Solano's. This all ties into why Napa with somewhat similar grape growing climate and soil has taken the world by storm while Solano continues to sleep.  The Solano Business News covers the possibility for Solano to trademark itself like Napa did, and learn from Napa's mistakes as well. Ask any of the Suisun wine growers about this.

Details at Fairfield's newspaper. (The Daily Republic requires a password which is free to print subscribers).  Free Fairfield news with fewer articles naturally, is at Solano Business News.

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