Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Free Conference Room For Non Profits

California Business Center can host a free conference room and coffee or tea for non-profits that wish to meet and share tips on how to operate and raise funds in a poor economy. Let's remember that non-profits reduce part of the burden of city government. As we don't want to raise taxes, non-profits need all the help they can get. Call a non-profit and offer to volunteer in any way you can. To reserve your free Solano conference room for the brainstorm session you wish to organize call 707 434-8000 or visit CaliforniaBusinessCenter.com for details. Prices normally are only $18 to $24 an hour. Let's all do our part..!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Camera Systems Issue Traffic Fines

The new bill at Sacramento would send more traffic ticket revenues to the state. Traffic fines are a great way to collect money. Some cities put up cameras all over the place. They let the computers send out bills for around $450 if you don't make a complete stop when taking a right hand turn at a red light. Fairfield, and the rest of our Solano County have fewer such cameras than many other California cities.

Wasting Tourism Promotion Budget

There are more economic ways to promote Fairfield as a tourist destination. We have interesting vineyards, Jelly Belly's and more. As I have been saying for many years, it is more cost effective to promote Solano County as a whole, than promote individual cities. With administration costs, volume discounts, and so forth, all the seven Solano County cities should unite their small tourism promotion budgets. We need more business people on the Fairfield City Council.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is New Highway 80 - 12 Interchange Honest?

Solano Transportation Authority released new plans. Details at DailyRepublic.Com.

Past routing changes kept taking traffic away from downtown Fairfield. This hurt the heart of our economy. STA keeps failing to show they are again hurting central Fairfield, by diverting more people away. Do they want a ghost town? The 680 - 12 interchange fix is needed. Yet why are they sneaky?

Why didn't Fairfield keep their promise to upgrade the main gateway to downtown (West Texas Street) in 2000? They told businesses to come to West Texas Street as part of the redevelopment. Where did the monies for West Texas Street project disappear to ten years ago? Be candid.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pot Legalization – Prop 19

Suisun City Council just decided to put the breaks on loosening up on marijuana laws. Fairfield and the rest of Solano have been tough on pot too.

Like it or not, I believe pot will eventually be legalized. The high tax revenue they talk about it generating seems unrealistic. Pot legalization will effect Solano County in more ways than one. People will grow the weed in their yard and avoid the high taxes. Kids will get their hands on it more easily too.

Barnes & Noble Staying Open?

With Amazon being so strong, I was surprised that Barnes & Noble even opened their bookstore in the first place. It's a great store that I hope stays. However business experts knew online purchases of books would continue to increase their market share long ago. By the way, they're open until at least 10PM Mon-Sat. Might close earlier on Sunday?

New Solar Power Near Main Gateway

One good piece of news. The ultra modern new facilities at Allan Witt Park will probably benefit from a new solar powered system that will pay for itself.

Improvements to the main gateway into Fairfield (West Texas Street), is economic development. A better gateway creates a good first impression when people visit the Solano County government and business capital. Economic development creates jobs. More jobs means a bigger tax base to avoid increasing taxes. Plus more jobs means less crime.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Garamendi's Fairfield Economy & Jobs Report

Fairfield's congressman John Garamendi just sent mailers to registered voters. (Fairfield is part of his district 10).

Some $1.5 Million was obtained to keep five Fairfield police officers, plus $10.5 Million for Travis, and $9 Million for the Fairfield-Suisun school district.

Garamendi's office is now in central Fairfield at 711 Jefferson St, #201, Fairfield, CA 94533. Is his office getting the most cost effective office suite in Fairfield, after calculating in overhead costs?

Let's hope Fairfield visitors will be more polite when Garamendi gives his next public appearance. Then we can discuss things rationally with less uncontrolled emotion.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Free Fairfield Conference Rooms

Get free Solano conference rooms for your professional meetings. (For profits pay a modest fee).

While the government tries to compete with the private sector in renting conference rooms, they charge much more than California Business Center. Plus CBC provides free coffee, tea, plus more. CBC rents conference rooms for up to around 15 people. The government conference room sizes vary and can hold hundreds.

Tell your friends that FixFairfield.Org offers free conference rooms to non-profits helping Fix Fairfield. To reserve one of the four conference rooms at CaliforniaBusinessCenter.com kindly call 707 427-6400 and ask for Brandi.

Instead of complaining, start taking action! Jot down a plan. Join forces with FixFairfield.Org. Rally your friends. Think positive. Set a meeting in the free Fairfield professional meeting rooms. And get started...!

Fairfield Youth Need Mentor Volunteers

• Fairfield's recreation services lack money. It seeks volunteers to work with the youth, seniors, etc.
• Also Peace Jam, plus Big Brothers Big Sisters need mentors for just an hour a week.
• Please contact FixFairfield.Org at 707 434-8000 for details.
• Many of today's children didn't have the fortune of getting great parents. Instead of complaining about today's crime problem, let's open our hearts and share our wisdom with Solano's youth..!

New North Texas Street Ramp & Interchange

Visitors to Fairfield businesses often take the wrong I-80 exit. My studies show visitors confuse West Texas Street exit with North Texas Street exit signs.

This makes people late for their appointment, and some just give up looking, don't spend money in Fairfield and drive back home. Solution is to tell visitors to take "North" or "West Texas", and specifically tell them not to take the other exit - otherwise many will take the first Texas Street exit they see. Everyone doesn’t use GPS. Actually GPS sometimes tells visitors to reach West Texas Street via the North Texas Street ramp.

Good driving directions creates more business, jobs and a bigger tax base without having to raise taxes.


I've been working with Fairfield city staff and Solano County government since 1999. Most of them try very hard to do the right thing when politics doesn't get in the way. We inherited numerous problems, and the North Texas interchange fix was about doing what could best be done with limited resources, and space.

Visit www.FixFairfield.Org. Put this blog on your tool bar..!

Constructive Comments For Fixing Fairfield Wanted

We welcome your constructive comments to help Fix Fairfield. Remember to consider the costs for fixing things. Most voters don't want to raise taxes. Smart planning makes good sense. Kindly post your suggestions for fixing our Fairfield