Wednesday, January 5, 2011

City Decides To Dump Low Income Housing Into Central Fairfield

Who is going to pay the increased costs from further burdens Fairfield is placing upon central Fairfield? School costs will go up with more low income housing. With the lack of local jobs, will the new residents be paying enough in taxes to at least cover public school costs? More long term low income residences (while needed) are dumped into central Fairfield versus other locations. The city promised to start improving central Fairfield over a decade ago, and things only keep getting worse.

FixFairfield.Org attended the Fairfield City Council session on Jan 4, 2011. Fairfield Motel owners probably didn't attend because they didn't want to get the city angry. There are many more dynamics on the city not keeping its promise. 

Fairfield planning (or lack there of for central Fairfield) has many more dynamics.  For example, there are good sides to allowing the motel conversions, as fewer Fairfield police calls might be made regarding short term visitors.  Yet will the new proposals outweigh the further burdens the city enjoys dumping outside their own neighborhoods?

Learn more about Fairfield Motel Conversions at (free) and DailyRepublic.Com (subscription required).

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